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ARANYA.EARTH offers a key diversifier for investors seeking sustainable and long-term income and capital returns through Green (Agricultural) Assets.

ARANY.EARTH recognises that, farmland when well managed and held over long periods of time, has proven to be a unique asset class that has delivered superior returns with relatively less risk and low correlation to Traditional Asset Classes adding overall diversification to most portfolios. Indian Investors Globally can access Agriculture Assets through a range of ARANYA.EARTH investment opportunities from tailored Green Asset Portfolio Development to complete End-to-End Green Asset Management Solutions.

Green Asset (Agricultural) Development

By using conventional methods in maximizing returns, ARANYA.EARTH has a history of effectively identifying successful Green (Agricultural) Development Opportunities and strategically expanding on these opportunities through careful Resource Planning and Process Implementation.

  • Permanent Cropping

    ARANYA.EARTH is developing its Managerial Base into the Production and Establishment of Permanent Tree Cropping Enterprises. ARANYA.EARTH manages assets in TEAK, SILVER OAK and MAHOGANY, we are expanding into Vegetation, Fruiting & Flowering sectors through various Research and Investment pipelines,

  • Water Management

    ARANYA.EARTH manages Ground Water through Rain Water Harvesting and Storage, Natural resources available locally.

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Green (Agricultural) Asset Management

Delivering Superior Results Sustainably

Private and Institutional investors, in assistance with ARANYA.EARTH, can buy High-Quality and diverse Indian Agricultural Assets.

The focus is Sustainable Income and Capital Growth along with diversification across Livestock, irrigated and dry-land crops. The income and growth targets are delivered with moderate levels of volatility compared to other asset classes such as Direct-Equities.

Distinctly Managed Asset

The Distinctly Managed Asset (DMA) option provides High-Net-Worth Individual Investors with a superior level of customisation. It is designed for those seeking Income and Capital Growth from Diversified Green Asset (Agricultural) Investments.

Green (Agricultural) Asset Deployment Models

There are Two Models available to Investors @ ARANYA.EARTH

1. Fully Owned

Buy and Operate through Managed Farming
  • Assets are Contractually Managed and Operated by ARANYA.EARTH providing stable returns with Low Operational Risk
  • Higher return on land due to infrastructure development
  • Portfolio managed by ARANYA.EARTH

2. Contract Leasing

Buy and Lease
  • Assets are Contractually Leased to ARANYA.EARTH providing Assured Fixed Returns with no Operational Risk
  • Higher return on land due to infrastructure development
  • Portfolio managed by ARANYA.EARTH
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At the core of ARANYA.EARTH is an extensive Skill, Knowledge and Experience of Top Farming Performance across Numerous Regions and Enterprises in the Indian Agricultural Industry. Our Qualified Team of Green Asset (Agricultural), Managers, Agronomists and Contractors aim to provide the best possible return to the investor by ensuring the production capacity of each farm is maximised, and costs are consistently monitored.